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Showing posts from December, 2017

Very userful Excel Shortcuts and Tricks

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Workbook Create a new blank Workbook. Ctrl + N Displays the Open Dialogue box to Open/Find a file. Ctrl + O Saves the Workbook with its current file name, location, and file type. Ctrl + S Opens the Save As dialogue box. F12 Opens the Print Preview Window. Ctrl + F2 Maximize or Restore Selected Workbook Window. Ctrl + F10 Minimize Workbook. Ctrl + F9 Switch to the Next Workbook. Ctrl + Tab Switch to the Previous Workbook. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Close Current Workbook. Alt + F4 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts –  Cell Editing Edit Active Cell. F2 Start a New Line in the Same Cell. Alt +Enter Select One Character on the Right of the Cursor. Shift + → Select One Character on the Left of the Cursor. Shift + ← ...